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Thought of the Day

May 10, 2020

My daily reading today takes me to the beginning of Luke chapter 5, the well known account of the miraculous catch of fish.

Two thoughts struck me as I read the story. The first comes from the words and actions of Simon after Jesus tells them to go out into the deep water and cast their nets. He says: “Master, we have worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so I will let down the nets.”
Simon obeys the command, even though he is tired (he has worked all night).
Even after the disappointment of a bad night’s fishing, Simon is willing to set sail again in obedience to Jesus.
Simon, an experienced fisherman, knows that it is the wrong time of day for fishing. Even so, he obeys the word of Jesus.

There are lessons here for us in our walk with Jesus, when we are tired, when we are discouraged, even when all that we know says to us ‘This won’t work’. We need in trust to obey the calling of the Lord.

The second thought is that a blessing shared is not a blessing halved, but a blessing saved. The catch was so great the nets were about to break. If that had happened the blessing of the catch would have been lost. The disciples signal to the other boat for help and together the catch is brought in. It is not just those who made the catch who are blessed, but all those who take part in bringing it ashore.

Part of being a fellowship of God’s people is not keeping the blessings of God to ourselves, but it is sharing them with one another so the whole community may be blessed.
